Inaugurating the Renewable Energy Project in the Industrial Zone in Gaza.

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Padico holding inaugurated the renewable energy project by installing solar panels on buildings roofs in Gaza industrial zone. The project, which cost 12 million dollars, is the second-largest project of its kind in the Middle East. The renewable energy project entailed installing 21 thousand solar cells in 32 buildings, with a generating capacity of (7.3) megawatts. Moreover, it will provide power for all factories, governmental departments, institutions, and trade hubs in the city. Padico holding chairman, Bashar Masri illustrated that the project holds its paramount importance due to its role in boosting the economic status quo in Gaza and breaking the everlasting siege imposed on Gaza, in addition to mitigating the brunt that people endure. He also deemed the project a strategic one, given the economic meltdown, calling upon investors to invest more in the region since it is a promising one

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