Egypt condemns filling Ethiopia Renaissance Dam unilaterally

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The Egyptian Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation Mohamed Abdel-Atti announced Egypt’s objection to the unilateral action to fill the Renaissance Dam without consulting and coordinating with the downstream countries.

During a meeting held on Monday, on negotiations between the three countries, Abdel-Atti indicated that this measure has negative connotations pointing out that Ethiopia does not want to reach a fair agreement, as it is a measure that contradicts the Declaration of Principles agreement.

He stressed the importance of speedy reaching an agreement on filling and operating the Renaissance Dam so that consensus is reached on each One of the points of disagreement, referring to Egypt’s proposal for the mechanism of work during the current meetings that will continue for two weeks.

The Egyptian Minister also stressed that based on the mini-summit, the current negotiation will be about filling and operating the Renaissance Dam only and that negotiations on future projects will be at a later stage after reaching the Renaissance Dam Agreement.

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