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Israelis stage mass protest against judicial reform plan

Tens of thousands of demonstrators thronged Tel Aviv and other Israeli cities on Saturday for the 22nd consecutive week to protest against a controversial plan to reform Israel’s judicial system. The government’s reform proposals would…

Tunisian journalists protest anti-terror laws

Tunisian journalists on Thursday protested against “repressive” anti-terror laws they say are being used to intimidate the media after a broadcaster was jailed for five years earlier this week. Dozens of protesters gathered in front of…

Sri Lanka crisis: PM asks speaker to choose new leader

Anger against PM and acting President Ranil Wickremesinghe grows after President Gotabaya Rajapaksa flees to Maldives. Sri Lanka’s acting President and Prime minister Wickremesinghe, has asked the speaker of parliament to nominate a new…

Jordanians protest in Amman against the Letter of Intent

Protestors gathered at Al-Husseini Mosque downtown after Friday prayers to begin their march protesting the Letter of Intent signed between Jordan, the UAE, and Israel last week. The protestors during their march called on the government to…