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Jordan, Iraq discuss security cooperation

Jordan’s Interior Minister Mazen Al-Faraya met on Saturday with his Iraqi counterpart Abdul Amir Al-Shammari to discuss ways to boost security cooperation, Jordan News Agency reported on Sunday. The ministers discussed ways to facilitate…

Jordanian embassy in Khartoum ‘stormed, vandalized’

Jordan said on Monday that its embassy in Khartoum had been stormed and vandalized. Without identifying the perpetrators, the Jordanian Foreign Ministry denounced the attack on the embassy headquarters in the Sudanese capital and called…

Jordan issues Eurbonds worth $1.25B at 7.5% coupon rate

The Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank of Jordan on Tuesday completed the issuance of Eurobonds in global markets, with a value of $1.250 billion, at a fixed coupon rate of 7.5 per cent, due in January 13, 2029. In 2023, the…