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Kuwait’s non-oil sector to grow 3.8% in 2023: IMF

Kuwait’s non-oil growth is projected to increase to about 3.8 percent in 2023 on account of a robust expatriate community, the International Monetary Fund has forecast. While overall growth is anticipated to drop to 0.1 percent this…

Tunisian FM hails Italy’s support over IMF loan

Tunisia’s foreign minister has hailed “Italy’s clear understanding of the … need to support the … economic recovery underway” in his country. Nabil Ammar was speaking on Friday night at a ceremony in the residence of Italy’s ambassador…

Tunisia loan: ‘Pragmatic’ IMF approach urged by Italy

Italy’s Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni on Saturday said the International Monetary Fund should take a “pragmatic” approach to a bailout for Tunisia, in comments to other G7 leaders in Japan. The North African country reached a deal in…