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Macron visits children wounded in knife attack

French President Emmanuel Macron on Friday said the health of the preschool children badly wounded in a mass knife attack by a Syrian refugee was “heading in the right direction,” as police questioned the attacker. Four children — aged…

US fines Microsoft $20 million over child data violations

Microsoft will pay $20 million to settle government charges that it collected personal information from children without their parents’ consent, officials said Monday. The Federal Trade Commission alleged that from 2015 to 2020 Microsoft…

Four children found alive in Amazon after plane crash

Four Indigenous children missing for more than two weeks after a plane crash in the Colombian Amazon have been found alive, President Gustavo Petro said Wednesday, declaring “joy for the country.” Petro shared the news on Twitter, saying…

Talking to young children help advance brain development

Talking to young children can help advance brain development, scientists said. Two-and-a-half-year-olds who heard more speech in everyday life had more myelin – a substance that makes brain signals more efficient – in language-related…