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Gazans Protest against Tomato Export New Measures

Protests in front of United Nations headquarter in Gaza organized by Farmers and merchants rejecting the disabling conditions issued by Israeli Authorities on agricultural crops, especially the tomato crop, where Israel has banned the…

Gaza Crabbers Most Substantial Season Knocking

On the shores of Palestinian refugees Beach Camp and Gaza sea port, a large number of fishermen gather in order to trawling crab nets loaded with the bounties of the sea to sell on a value of about 25 shekels ($8) for the 6-kg box. It is…

Low Olive Season Reflects on Oil Presses

Gaza Strip was one of the areas impacted of climate changes where olive season recorded a decrease in crops that led to a decrease in oil quantities compared to previous seasons. Nasr Abu Odeh, Oil Press Owner, explained that olive oil…

Eye on Gaza’s past through its oldest photographer

81-year-old Palestinian photographer Abu Hisham Al-Hindawi is one of the oldest photographers in Gaza Strip. Abu Hisham owns old cameras, some of which are more than 60 years old. Abu Hisham still keeps his cameras, which he bought at the…

Climate Changes Impacts Palestinian Olive Productivity

Olive farmers in Gaza Strip complained about the scarce of their crop this year, and considered it one of the worst seasons they have witnessed. The farmers referred the lack of production climate changes, which affected the olive trees, in…

“No for Hooliganism” Initiative launch in Gaza

An Exhibition game was played at the (Palestine Stadium) in Gaza City, which brought together the Al-Ahly (Egyptian FC) fans and supporters of versus Zamalek (Egyptian FC) fans and supporters in an initiative of the Supreme Council for…