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Malaysia, Singapore reaffirm long-standing ties

Malaysian Senior Minister for Defence Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein reaffirmed the long-standing ties during a call on Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, said the republic’s Ministry of Defence (Mindef). In a statement…

Malaysia to abolish mandatory death penalty

Malaysia will abolish the mandatory death penalty, the government said Friday, in a move cautiously welcomed by rights groups as a rare progressive step on the issue for the region. In a statement, Malaysian law minister Wan Junaidi…

MP denies rebel group accusation of poor service

Sungai Siput MP Kesavan Subramaniam has denied claims that more than 5,000 PKR (People's Justice Party) and DAP (Democratic Action Party) members are dissatisfied with him and are set to throw their support behind MIC (Malaysian Indian…

Chicken being sold at double the price in Malaysia

Chicken in Malaysia is being sold well above the retail ceiling price, up to about RM17 (S$5.33) per kg, at some local grocers. The government has fixed a retail ceiling price for chicken of RM8.90 per kg, effective from Feb 5 to June 5.…