Syrian child laborers exposed to psychological, physical abuse in workplace

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An increasing number of children in Syria are forced to work in arduous jobs amid deteriorating economic conditions mainly due to the war that has led to displacement. The number of child labor cases in northern Syria, in particular, has increased dramatically, as many of them lost their breadwinners in the years-long war, depriving children of their basic rights.

Mustafa Al-Youssef, head of the Child Protection Organization (Hurras), told A24 that child labor has emerged during the past ten years due to war, poverty, and the poor economic situation of families without publishing accurate statistics so far. He added that children are subjected to major psychological and physical abuse in the workplace, including sexual harassment, kidnapping, and fatigue.

Al-Youssef underscored that the Child Protection Organization provides psychological support to children and awareness sessions for parents to avoid potential risks.


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