National Assembly of Southern Transitional Council holds 5th session

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The National Assembly of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) has held its fifth session in the southern port city of Aden, attended by the council’s members and president Aidrous al-Zubaidi. In his speech, Zubaidi called for restoring the state sovereignty and its Arab identity by adhering to the national constants of peaceful movement, reconciliation, tolerance and resistance. Zubaidi said the STC will continue to play its key role in achieving the aspirations of the people, amid tough conditions at political, economic, military and security levels. The chairman said the STC’s external national dialogue team will continue working with the council’s different divisions to arrive at a national honor charter aims at achieving common national goals among southern forces in Aden. Spokesman for the Southern Forces Mohamed Al-Naqib told A24 News Agency that the session comes within the framework of effective partnership with the Arab coalition and within efforts to restore the state of the southern people.


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