Gazan young man fights hard living conditions with making Arghul

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A Palestinian young man goes to the Gaza beach to play Arghul, an ancient and typically Palestinian musical instrument, as part of his efforts to revive the Palestinian heritage and earn a living.

Mohammed Hamida from the Gaza Strip told A24 News Agency’s reporter Mohammed Al-Najjar that he used to go to the beach and play the Arghul to attract people to buy the double clarinet instrument made of dried cane.

Seeking to preserve this craft amid poor living conditions in Gaza, Mohammed said he collects reeds in summer, dries them, and makes holes in them arranged according to the musical scale.

Khaled Qudeih, a Gazan man, spoke to A24 and said he was surprised to find this Arghul instrument, which grandfathers used to play to entertain themselves in most of their gatherings.

Despite wars and a blockade in Gaza, playing music has steadily gained popularity, serving as an outlet in times of hardship.

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