Bucharest Nine calls on Russia to withdraw troops from Ukraine

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The leaders of the Bucharest Nine (B9) have called on Russia to withdraw its forces from the territory of Ukraine and ensure accountability for war crimes and atrocities committed in Ukraine.

They also expressed support for Ukraine’s integration into the European Union and determination to further step up their assistance for Ukraine.

The relevant declaration was endorsed at the heads of state B9 meeting in Bucharest on Friday.

“We call on Russia to change its aggressive behavior, withdraw its forces from the internationally recognized territory of Ukraine, ensure accountability for war crimes and atrocities, and return to act in compliance with international law,” the declaration reads.

The Presidents strongly condemned Russia’s “unprovoked and unjustified aggression” against Ukraine, with the complicity of Belarus and using the Black Sea as a launch pad, which is a brutal assault on the rules-based international order, which caused “one of the most serious security crisis in Europe in decades”.

B9 leaders expressed their sympathy for the tragic loss of life and enormous human suffering and destruction, and “pledged to bring to justice all those responsible for war crimes and atrocities”.

The Presidents also reiterated their unwavering commitment to Ukraine’s independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders.

“We emphasized our continued support to Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations. We also support the integration of Ukraine in the European Union. We are determined to continue and further step up our assistance for Ukraine, as a strong and democratic Ukraine is important for security and stability in Europe,” B9 leaders stressed.

According to them, the Strategic Concept to be adopted at the upcoming NATO Summit in Madrid will reflect the new security reality created by Russia’s war on Ukraine, highlight the Russian Federation as “the most significant and direct threat to the Euro-Atlantic security”.

A reminder that, on June 10, 2022, the Presidents of Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and the Slovak Republic met in the Bucharest 9 Group in preparation of the NATO Summit in Madrid.



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