One killed and 14 injured as police fire live bullets on protesters in Sri Lanka

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Public outrage over the death of one and injury of 14 after police fired live bullets on protesters.

Footage of police opening fire in central town of Rambukkana has been shared on social media but police said they used minimum force to break up the protest. However, many are questioning the police’s use of live bullets.

The economic situation in Sri Lanka has caused many to take to the streets in protest of the rise in prices of essential commodities as well as shortages in fuel, medicine and electricity. Protesters blame the policies of president Gotabaya Rajapaksa for this crisis and are demanding his resignation but he refuses to give up his position.

Protests broke out in several areas on Tuesday after the Sri Lanka main fuel retailer raised prices by 65%. Prices of basic foodstuffs such as wheat flour also increased.

Police say they had to fire in order break up the protest. Authorities say the crowd threw stones and other object at the police injuring several of them but many are questioning why live bullets were used in response.

The US Ambassador to Sri Lanka, Julie Chung, has called for a “full, transparent investigation” into the violence, adding that “the people’s right to peaceful protest must be upheld”.

The Inspector General of Police CD Wickramaratne stated that the police had to stop a group attempting to set fire to a truck carrying 30000 liters of fuel. Many of social media however say the video shows nothing related to such attempt. Other footage shows police beating and firing tear gas at protesters, which has caused more outrage.

Critics say the main reasons for the crisis in Sri Lanka is corruption and nepotism as the president’s brothers and nephews occupy key ministerial positions. Rajapaksa family members are therefore not part of the new cabinet except the president’s elder brother Mahinda who remains in position as prime minister.


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