Syrian opposition advises Ukrainians, as they experienced fighting Russians

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It has been 10 days since the invasion of Ukraine territories. Despite the blockade imposed by Russia on Ukraine, Russian forces are still unable to control the major cities.

Russia’s bombing and destruction of Ukraine’s infrastructure brought to mind the Russian intervention in Syria and the devastation it wrought after battles against the Syrian opposition.

A number of military opposition leaders who previously defected from the Syrian army said that the Russians are following almost the same war tactics they used in Syria, adding that these tactics have strengths and weaknesses.

Russia’s possession of the air force and missile launchers is crucial for the Russian war, but its adoption of the policy of advancing with large columns of infantry and armored vehicles is its weak point, as it makes it vulnerable to ambushes and traps from the resistance.

The Syrian fighters advise the Ukrainian resistance to focus on targeting aircraft and armor since they protect the advancing forces.

The West and NATO have provided the Ukrainian army with Stingers missiles, which pilots usually flee from of their danger, as well as anti-tank guided munition such as Javelin Missiles.

Russians might implement a scorched-earth policy if they were to lose and might use internationally banned weapons.

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