Politicians urge repealing of anti-terror law PTA; accuse it of being anti-freedom mechanism

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Politicians and analysts in Sri Lanka have expressed their disappointment after the authorities had made surgical changes to the country’s notorious anti-terror law, describing the authorities for carrying out the meaningless changes to appease the donors.

Enacted in 1979, the Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA) allows authorities to make warrantless arrests and searches if a person is suspected of involvement in a “terrorist activity.”

Pubudu Jayagoda – Education & Propaganda Secretary of the Frontline Socialist Party (FSP) said that nothing was changed in light of the new amendments, as he explained that the state passed the amendments to get financial assistance from its conventional supporters, mainly the US and EU.

“We do not see that this amendment is brought in favor of the betterment of the Sri Lankan people,” saying that the {TA was merely sugar-coated.

Shanakiyan Rajaputhiran Rasamanickam of Tamil National Alliance (TNA) said although the law was first introduced to combat terrorism, it extended to curb and hinder freedom of speech, adding that youngsters are still in prison under loose charges under this act.

Many youngsters’ lives have been devastated and many have been reported dead while in custody, calling for the complete abolishment of the flawed law.

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