Stations to supply Raqqah with water after the Euphrates dries up

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The Local Administration and Municipalities Committee in Raqqa is extending a drinking water line towards Al-Karamah town, and the neighboring towns, due to the interruption of drinking water as the level of the Euphrates River is getting low and large parts of it is polluted.

The low level of the Euphrates water led to the disruption of large numbers of water pumps that used to irrigate villages, towns, and agricultural lands in the past.

The local administration committee worked to establish 3 pumping groups at the station, with a capacity of 300 cubic meters per hour, equipped with an electric generator to ensure that water would not be cut off when there is a power outage.

Burdens on people near Raqqa increased with the return of people to their homes, and housing expansion in those areas, in conjunction with the drying up of the Euphrates River, which led to an increase in the need for drinking water.

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