Cambodia’s MoH plans to end apathy by those who refuse to get vaccinated

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Fed up with the apathy of those refusing to be vaccinated, the Health Ministry plans to introduce a “No Jab, No Job” measure to ensure Covid-19 and its variants, especially the Omicron strain, do not become a widespread problem.

This measure will also be extended to those who already have had their basic inoculations but are stalling to get booster doses which are required to protect themselves and those around them from getting infected by more virulent strains of Covid-19.

Health Ministry spokesman Hok Kimcheng said yesterday that they will be forced to implement this harsh measure if apathy over getting vaccinated persists.

“We are considering to come down hard on those who are unvaccinated with basic doses or haven’t received the booster shot when it’s their turn,” he said, adding that these people will face job losses and could even be barred from venturing out of their houses even after the virus situation becomes endemic.

“This will even apply to teachers who refuse to get vaccinated. They will not be allowed to enter schools and possibly infect the students,” Kimcheng said. “If there is no option left, we will implement this ‘No jab No job’ measure.”

He said those who are unvaccinated due to health problems should consult a doctor again to see if there is any possibility that they can get inoculated. If they cannot they will be issued a letter exempting them.

Kimcheng noted that the Covid-19 virus will never stop mutating into other strains and people have to keep shielding themselves by getting booster doses.



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