Cambodia ‘sovereign’ state amid accusations of being under foreign influence – gov’t

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Phnom Penh, Cambodia – Phay Siphan, Cambodia’s Royal Government Spokesperson, said Phnom Penh’s foreign policy is not influenced by other countries and emphasized that Cambodia is a “sovereign” state, refuting accusations that Phnom Penh is influenced by a foreign country.

The Cambodian political elite has been trying to balance the country’s foreign relations after Phnom Penh has been seen as being tilted towards China.

“ASEAN is a community. It does not belong to Cambodia; it is a ten-country association. Shaping foreign policy in ASEAN requires consensus to adopt what is called a COD [Code of Conduct],” Siphan said.

He referred to the issue of China’s loan to Cambodia, saying that it did not affect his country’s foreign policy and that they accepted it because it is with a low -interest rate.

Em Sovannara, a professor of politics and a political analyst, said that Phnom Penh is keen on creating an equilibrium between China on the one hand and the US and Europe on the other.

He continued that the country tiptoes in its dealings with its allies to try not to look as if taking sides, especially after Cambodia was accused of passing Beijing’s agenda through the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

He added that Cambodia should play it smart and stay impartial so that it could continue benefiting from its relations with other countries.

The analyst reiterated Phnom Penh’s neutral stance and that it has never leaned to any party at the expense of another.

“In 2012 and 2014, the US funded two new buildings at Ream naval base, but recently Cambodia didn’t inform the US before demolishing them, even though Cambodia has the right to demolish them. Then Cambodia built a new building sponsored by China so it makes the Western countries especially America see Cambodia as being biased toward China,” he added.


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