Cambodia: Two airline companies to commence flights to Siem Reap

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As the countries begin opening up for tourism and all sectors are seeing a revival in activities, Siem Reap continues to gear up for its own vaccination tourism and sees new airline companies launch activities in its airport.

The Director of the Siem Reap Provincial Department of Tourism, Ngov Seng Kak, said on December 9, that after the Cambodian government reopened the country and welcomed fully vaccinated foreign tourists to visit Cambodia two airline companies will start flying planes to Siem Reap December 17.

The airline companies include, Singapore Airlines and Lamei Airlines. Singapore Airlines will operate flights to Siem Reap from Singapore daily. Lamei Airlines will operate flights from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap and from Siem Reap to Bangkok biweekly.

“This is good news for tour operators in Siem Reap who may be considering starting a tourism business in Siem Reap after being affected by Covid-19 for the past two years,” the Director said.

The Director continued that Siem Reap’s hotels, guesthouses, and other tourist’s attraction sites are preparing to receive tourists.






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