Closing of Food and Agriculture Exhibition in Erbil

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Today, the Food and Agriculture Exhibition, the first of its kind, which lasted for 3 days concludes it events in Erbil, in cooperation between the ministries of agriculture in the federal government and the region. The opening ceremony was attended on Wednesday by Kurdistan Regional Government President Masrour Barzani, Federal Minister of Agriculture Muhammad Al-Khafaji, Kurdistan Minister of Agriculture Begard Talabani, and Erbil Governor Omed Khoshnaw. A group of farmers and 50 companies interested in this field have participated in the exhibition to display their products which constituted an opportunity for coordination and work between farmers in the Kurdistan region and the rest of Iraqi governorates, and an opportunity also to support and manufacture local products inside and outside Iraq. The exhibition falls under the aim of achieving food security to achieve self-sufficiency in wheat, vegetables, and fruits.

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