‘Harmonia After the War ‘ A Documentary that Sheds Light on ISIS Victims from Musicians.

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“Harmonia After the War” is a documentary movie produced by the Argentinian director Pablo Tosco, which narrates the story of the famous lute professor, Gani Mirzo, a Kurdish musician who moved to Spain and led a campaign of collecting musical instruments in Europe. He collected about 350 thousand instruments and then brought them to Rojava and gave them to musicians who were denied playing these instruments in the war-ridden region. The movie was screened in Qamishli city and was attended by musicians, the movie’s actors, and the producer himself. Mirzo strived to revitalize music’s soul and to encourage musicians in the region ravaged by the war. The movie was well received and was ranked the first among documentary movies in Latin America and Africa, not to mention that it was awarded at least 40 prizes

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