Vietnam’s Ministry of Health’s request to raise the COVID-19 warning to the highest level

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The Ministry of Health has issued formal messages to the chairmen of the provincial and local people’s committees, the heads of the provincial and local health departments, and the heads of medical institutions across the country, asking them to raise the level of the COVID-19 pandemic alert to the highest level. It focused on the current major pandemic events. Epidemics have broken out in many provinces and cities across the country, and outbreaks have occurred among patients and medical staff in some hospitals infected with the coronavirus (including its variants in the UK and India). With “superconductivity.” The Ministry ordered the strict implementation of the COVID-19 prevention and control guidelines issued by the Prime Minister and the National COVID-19 Prevention and Control Steering Committee. The report said that as the threat level increases to the highest level, a plan to fight infection should be developed in the hospital. COVID-19 cases across the country need to be reviewed by all health professionals, patients and their caregivers. At noon on May 7, nine hospitals implemented medical isolation after discovering COVID.19 infection in their treatment rooms.

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