Prime Minister of Vietnam: The pandemic is now under control

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Prime Minister Fan Minqin said at a regular meeting of government officials on Monday that the disease is currently under control across the country and there are no new groups of unknown origin. He said the pandemic and economic development. When talking about the Ministry of Health (MoH) plan to purchase COVID-19 vaccine from Pfizer, he said: “Purchasing COVID-19 vaccine is a necessary and urgent task that must be completed at present.” Minister Ruan Qinglong said that Pfizer did not do so. Agree to reach an agreement on the price or contract terms, and the Vietnamese side must reply to the company by May 18 at the latest. The Politburo and the Central Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee in General Office No. 50-CV/TW on February 19, and Resolution No. 21/NQ-CP on February 26, the Secretariat of the Central Government of the Communist Party of China.

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