The first shipment of the “AstraZeneca” vaccine arrives in northern Syria

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The first shipment of the British “AstraZeneca” vaccine have arrived in northern Syria, dominated by the opposition factions, and according to the assistant director of health in Idlib, Husam Qarra Muhammad, the vaccination process is set to start in early May, meanwhile, the northwestern Syrian areas had already submitted an official request in late 2020 to the “Kovacs” initiative of the “World Health Organization” to obtain the Covid vaccine. Regarding the vaccination program, the vaccination official in Syria, Muhammad Al-Salem, pointed out that the first groups include health and community staff, including doctors, nurses, community health workers, organization workers, in addition to barbers and teachers, who are among the groups that come into contact with people daily. The second group includes people above the age of 70, while the third group includes those with chronic diseases between the ages of 25 to 70. According to the latest figures released by the “Ministry of Health in the Syrian Interim Government”, 47 cases of the virus were recorded, taking the total number of recorded infections to 21,694, along with 641 deaths.

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