Prime Minister of Singapore confirms that bilateral relations with his Vietnamese counterparts are highly valued

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On Tuesday, Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said that Singapore attaches great importance to its relations with Vietnam in a telephone discussion with Vietnam’s Prime Minister ạ Ming and Qing.

Qian Qichen said that he hopes to cooperate with the Prime Minister of Singapore for a long time to further promote alternative strategic partnerships in various fields.

Due to the fact that Singapore is the largest investor in Vietnam in 2020 and the first quarter of 2021.

The two sides agreed to strengthen cooperation to respond to COVID-19, hoping that Vietnam will successfully respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, socio-economic development and diplomatic relations. both sides agreed on promoting the repatriation of each other’s citizens, and to speed up negotiations on travel preferences between intervals to restore safe commercial flights suitable for each country and region. Travel contact information.

They agreed to strengthen cooperation in areas with national potential and strength in finance, information technology, agriculture and fisheries, education and training, and infrastructure. At the same time, they seek to expand cooperation with the fields related to the fourth industrial revolution, such as clean energy, smart cities, innovation and digitalization. Economy, and experience sharing in management, economic development and human resource training.

Chenna appreciated the serious and effective cooperation between Vietnam and Singapore in regional and international forums, and thanked Singapore for supporting Vietnam during its ASEAN presidency in 2020. He asked Singapore to continue to support Vietnam as a non-permanent member.

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