Ministry of Health of Vietnam: 110,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccine used by the police and army have been transferred to the local CDC

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The Ministry of Health of Vietnam has announced its decision to transfer 110,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccine originally used by police and army personnel to the local disease control center (CDC).
This is part of the 811,200 doses of AstraZeneca vaccine received by Vietnam through the global COVID-19 vaccine sharing program COVAX facility on April 1, unless the 111,000 doses of vaccine purchased from the company are also purchased for transplantation drives.
Two weeks ago, the distribution plan for the second stage of implantation using the COVAX dose was announced, but it has been revised.
Regarding the 80,000 doses of vaccine previously scheduled for the Army, the Army will now receive 35,000 doses.
34,500 doses will be used in 44 local disease control centers-15,400 in the northern region, 8,200 in the central region, 3,450 in the central highlands, and 7,250 in the southern region.
10,650 doses will be supplemented to the five southern provinces and cities on the southwest border-Anjiang (2,200), Taining (2,250), Jijiang (2,200), Đồtap (2,000) and Longan (2,000)-may protect the front lines as well as necessary Workers and high-risk groups to prevent a sharp increase in coronavirus infections in neighboring countries such as Thailand and Cambodia.

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