A Mandalay – Myanmar man has been shot by regime troops and died

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On Monday, a local street vendor was shot and killed by indiscriminate soldiers at Maha Aungmei in Mandalay. Soldiers from a high school in the Shengpan area opened fire on the area at around 7pm. Street vendor Zau Shein was shot in the back. According to witnesses, he went out to see what happened. Zau Shein is 40 years old and sells fried rice. A voluntary rescuer took him to a local clinic for treatment. He said he was pronounced dead shortly after his arrival. “Even if he arrives, his condition is very serious. Rescuers say he is dead now. The troops stationed in the high school are conducting night raids and arrests in the Sein Pann area. Witnesses said that the shooting continued until 8 pm on Monday: Around 30. Earlier in the day, soldiers shot and killed two people and honked on motorcycles.One leg was injured and the other arm was injured. The witness said: “A person with an injured leg was fixed to a wound, while the other injured arm escaped,” the witness said. When they opened fire in the village of Chanmyatharzi on April 21, they also hit a 14-year-old girl in the arm. That night, after the army raided a monastery in Maha Ang Mueh, the monk was injured in the back by a rubber bullet. The Political Prisoners Support Association, a human rights organization that monitors military violence, said that after the February 1 coup, the national regime killed at least 753 civilians.

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