Yemen – Relief after Hadi’s insistence on confronting Houthis to implement Riyadh Agreement (video)

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Yemeni President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi stressed, in a speech on Saturday, that the Riyadh agreement is the safe way out to end the Yemeni crisis, stressing the necessity of giving priority to the supreme national interest and laying down an internal row to confront the Houthis and restore the areas under their control, and citizens welcomed the word Abd Rabbo Hadi as it emphasized the return to an agreement Riyadh and the outcomes of the national dialogue and the UN resolution for the year 2016, while others felt that his speech held the Southern Transitional Council fully responsible for stopping the implementation of the agreement, which is contrary to reality, wishing to solve the main problem of Yemen, which is the Houthi militia, before any other internal problem.

video : Yemen – Relief after Hadi’s insistence on confronting Houthis to implement Riyadh Agreement

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