U.S. governors seek Washington aid to fight ‘red, white and blue’ pandemic

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Governors of the 50 U.S. states on Wednesday urged leaders in Washington to abandon partisanship and deliver relief to cities and states facing economic disaster in their efforts to battle what they called a “red, white and blue pandemic.”

Without specifically mentioning Tuesday’s bill, the bipartisan National Governors Association asked Congress to deliver “urgent state fiscal relief.”

“This is not a red state and blue state crisis … It does not attack Democrats or Republicans. It attacks Americans,” the association’s chair, Maryland’s Larry Hogan, a Republican, and its vice chair, New York’s Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat, wrote in a statement citing colors applied to their respective parties.

“The nation’s governors are counting on our leaders in Washington to come together, put partisanship aside, and to get this done for the American people,” they said.

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