Ontario to let retailers, vehicle dealerships open next Tuesday, with limits

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Ontario will allow some retail stores as well as vehicle dealerships and construction sites to reopen next Tuesday, its premier said on Thursday, as Canada’s most-populous province takes steps to restart its economy after a two-month shutdown.

Only retailers with a street-front entrance can reopen, officials said, with indoor malls to remain closed. Some leisure activities and horse racing will also be allowed as of Tuesday, although guidelines for social distancing and sanitation remain in place.

Golf courses and marinas will reopen on Saturday, and some leisure activities – including tennis and gymnastics – can resume on Tuesday, the officials added.

Ontario, which is Canada’s economic engine, has proposed a three-stage reopening, with each phase lasting two to four weeks, according to the government plan.

“We have to see a (downward) trend for a couple of weeks, so there’s no time frame on Stage 2,” Premier Doug Ford said.