Syrian refugees head to Europe after Erdogan’s decision to allow them

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A number of Syrian refugees gathered in Istanbul on the European side of Turkey in places dedicated to their transfer to Europe, following the decision of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, to open the door to Syrian refugees residing in his country to go to Europe, to use them as a card of pressure on the international community in order to stop the bleeding of Turkish blood in Syria.

This decision comes after a security meeting of Erdogan with the Turkish state staff that took hours in the capital Ankara after the attacks on his forces in Idlib, which killed 33 soldiers yesterday, on Thursday, following the Syrian and Russian bombings.

Refugees who came to these places said that their transfer to Europe could provide them with a better standard of living and secure the future of their children and enable them to be reunited with their families, who are under bombardment inside Syria, which is forbidden in Turkey.

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